
Legal matters can be complex and stressful. Our goal is to reduce the added financial concerns by providing exceptional service at fair and competitive prices and offering novel payment structures.

By providing transparent prices and offerings we hope to build trust with our clients, encourage ourselves to constantly evaluate and embrace the competitive market, and nudge our industry to do the same.

Legal Advice

Hourly Fees

Many of our files are at an hourly rate where you are charged based on the amount of time it takes to do the work. Our current hourly rates are:

RoleYears PracticingHourly Rate
Senior Lawyer9 +$550
Mid-Level Lawyer4 – 8$330
Junior Lawyer0 – 3$275
* Fees are exclusive of GST and disbursements and may be updated from time to time.
Fixed Fees

These fees are representative of our standard pricing based on typical scenarios and are dependent on our agreement to take on your matter. Our fixed fees include:

Employment or Severance Offer Review$750
Employment or Contractor Agreement$1,500
Non-Disclosure Agreement$750
Termination of Personnel
Review agreements, advise on termination process, and prepare termination documentation.
Incorporation w Unanimous Shareholders Agreement$3,400
Incorporation w Unanimous Shareholders Agreement and Share Purchase Agreement $5,000
Corporate Minute Book Review and Update$450
Corporate Registered Office and Annual Filings$500
Will w Personal Directive and Power of Attorney$750
Litigation Review$1,500
Demand or Cease and Desist Letter$500
Commission or Notarize Documents$50
* Fees are exclusive of GST and disbursements and may be updated from time to time.
Law and accounting packages

We offer a subscription package to ensure that you have a professional available on-call to address needs as they arise. Services include compliance with legal and tax requirements, responses to ongoing and emergent situations, and triage for appropriate courses of action.

For details please review our Fee Schedule linked below.

Bronze Package$300 / month
Silver Package$500 / month
Gold Package$ 700 / month
Novel Fee Models

We are always exploring ways to make legal services more accessible for our clients and may be able to offer a novel way to structure our compensation. These include:

Quoted Fixed Fees
A set price for a particular matter or a particular step in that matter.
Blended Contingency Fee
A reduction to our hourly rates for a portion of potential recovery.
A recurring monthly fee that covers all steps that arise as they arise.
More Information

Detailed information on our current hourly rates, fixed fees, and other offerings can be found at:

Our standard engagement terms can be found at:

Our fees are dependent on availability, clearance of conflicts, and our agreement to take on your matter. Disbursements such as court fees, photocopies, and courier charges, which we endeavor to keep low, may be extra.

Our fees may be updated from time to time – please check with us before starting new mandates.

Mediation and Arbitration

Starting his career working closely with the court and drawing from his experience as a seasoned litigator, Scott Nicol offers mediation and arbitration services through Nicol Law.

Our standard mediation terms can be found at:

Please contact us if you are interested in Scott acting as an independent mediator or arbitrator for your dispute. We offer both flat fee or hourly billing options.

Other Resources

We recommend obtaining capable counsel whenever possible. However, we recognize that needs do not stop when financial limits mean you cannot afford or access counsel. The following information and resources are not legal advice but may be helpful to you in those circumstances:

Calgary Legal Guidance provides summary advice appointments regarding family, immigration, criminal, landlord and tenant, employment, or other civil issues.

Legal Aid Alberta may be able to assist you with certain family, criminal, immigration or trustee / guardianship issues.

The Government of Alberta has a website available with more information court procedures and steps required for wills and estates, family law, or restraining and protection orders.

Willownet is a website run by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta and provides general information on restraining orders and protection orders.

Student Legal Assistance is a pro-bono legal clinic that provides legal information and representation to low-income residents of Calgary and the surrounding area.